Promo movie: Dashboard Redesign

This movie I created for promotion of new changes on internet banking Business24 in 2022. We updated the main screen of internet banking.

Project Description

Dashboard is for many the most important page of internet banking. Our old dashboard was the starting screen, where our customers didn`t spend much time. We wanted to change this, we wanted to offer the valuable information on the first screen already.

This topic had quite lot of boundaries. We wanted to use as much backned functions as possible and we wanted to bring the design closer to the successor version of the internet banking.

In this video you can see the result of our efforts, other parts of the creation process are not publicable, unfortunetelly.

Here is the list of the useed UX methods:

  • analytical data - what width of monitors our users use
  • reverse engennering of competition: dashboards
  • list of possible features
  • inputs from our users
  • prototype testing with clients